5 Things Your Parents Told You That Are Lies!!!!!!

In this post, I will be talking about 5 things your parents have probably lied to you about. Comment if your parents have told you one of these things before.

  1. Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyesight.

This is a flat-out lie. No matter how close you are to the TV it will not ruin your eyes. The worst it could do is cause an eyestrain. Children can focus at close distance without eyestrain better than adults, but there is no evidence that TV damages children or adult eyes.

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2. If you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for 7 years.

This is not true because if you swallow gum it’s not dry so it’s not sticky. It won’t stick to your throat or your stomach. It will go straight through. All I know is swallowing an occasional piece of gum is harmless.

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3. Drinking Coffee Will Stunt Your Growth.

For most people, a cup or two of coffee a day doesn’t do any harm. If you’re drinking more especially if you are getting caffeine from other sources, such as soda or energy drinks you may want to stop drinking. That’s because too much of caffeine can cause anxiety and dizziness, and may interfere with normal sleep.

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4. If You Make a Weird Face it Will get Stuck Like that Forever.

There is no recorded evidence of anyone’s eyes or face actually getting stuck as a result of childhood. You can make all the silly, nasty, ridiculous faces you want. In fact, do a few of these facial exercises to help relax tense muscles, release stress, and improve circulation.

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5. If You Sneeze With Your Eyes Open, They Might Fall Out.

Most people naturally close their eyes when they sneeze, but if you hold them open, even though the blood pressure behind your eyes is technically elevated, your eyes will absolutely not pop out of your head.

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